Volume 27: Number 54
Mon, 22 Feb 2010
Subjects Discussed In This Issue:
Message: 1
From: Richard Wolberg <cantorwolb...@cox.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 08:16:52 -0500
Subject: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
Zev Sero wrote:
Revenge *is* justice.
That is totally preposterous. In fact there is a cognitive dissonance between the two terms.
It is like saying that vigilantes are the policemen.
Nowhere is there a dictionary definition that equates revenge with justice.
Revenge is subjective and justice is objective.
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Message: 2
From: rabbirichwol...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:29:33 +0000
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 11:09:27AM +0000, Dov Kaiser wrote:
:> We say Hashem yiqom
: At first, I thought it was just a typo, but I have noticed that both
: RMB and RZS have been writing *yikom*. I believe it should be *yinkom*.?
Ki dam avadav YIKOM
in Av haRahchamim.
From one who says it only twice a year!
And twice more in haazinu
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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Message: 3
From: T6...@aol.com
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 12:11:55 EST
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
From: Dov Kaiser _dov_...@hotmail.co.uk_ (mailto:dov_...@hotmail.co.uk)
R. Eidensohn excerpted:
<<*Yoma^] (23a): *Any scholar who does not avenge himself and bear grudge
like a snake is not a real talmid chachom. [SNIP]>>
The Gemara is working hard to find a heikhei timtza for R. Yochanan's
statement that a talmid chakham who does not take revenge like a snake is not a
real talmid chakham. It rejects the possibility that the statement refers
to monetary matters, as the Torah forbids revenge in this area. It then
rejects the possibility that it refers to taking revenge for a tzaara
d'gufa, because we have already learned in Shabbos 68b about the virtue of
*ha-ne'elavin v'ein olvin* ... The Gemara then narrows down the application of
the statement to a case where the talmid chakham suffers tzaara d'gufa but
receives no apology....
RMB has already clarified that there are Rishonim who explain this
statement of R. Yochanan to be referring to slights to kevod haTorah rather than
personal slights. However, there is no hint to that qualification in the
words of the Gemara in Yoma....
Kol tuv
Dov Kaiser
To answer in a way that Rashi would say is not wise -- that is, to answer
your last point first -- I would say that the "hint" you find lacking in
the Gemara is the very word "scholar"! By saying that a *talmid chacham*
must take revenge it implies right there in those very words that it is
talking about slights to kovod haTorah!
Now to go back and take another look at the rest of this post (and this
whole thread), the question is, under what circumstances is it [permissible]
[necessary] to take revenge, given that the Torah seems to command
forgiveness? We've already just mentioned one circumstance in which it is
apparently necessary, viz, a slight to kovod haTorah. Others may be found in the
Tefillah Zakah recited just before Yom Kippur. This tefilla was composed,
according to ArtScroll, by R' Avraham Danzig, author of Chayei Adam, so I
will take him as an authority for what kinds of sins one [need not] [may not]
forgive, when someone has harmed you.
Here is the ArtScroll translation of the relevant passage:
==begin quote==
Behold! I extend complete forgiveness to everyone who has sinned against
me, whether physically or monetarily, or who has gossiped about me or even
slandered me. So, too, to anyone who has injured me, whether physically or
financially, and for any human sins between man and his neighbor -- except
for money that I wish to claim and that I can recover by law, and except
for someone who sins against me and says, "I will sin against him and he
will forgive me" -- except for these I grant complete forgiveness; and may no
person be punished on my account.
==end quote==
Of course, this goes even beyond what the Torah requires, since the Torah
does not forbid a person to call out to Hashem to punish their oppressor.
In fact the Torah itself says that if a widow or orphan cries to Hashem
because someone has mistreated them, that Hashem will listen to them and woe
betide their oppressor.
But the Tefillah Zakah does carve out clear exceptions to the "I forgive
everybody" statement, and these are, damages that can be claimed in legal
proceedings, and harm caused by a person who thinks he can act with impunity
and presumably keeps sinning against the same victim without remorse.
--Toby Katz
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Message: 4
From: D&E-H Bannett <db...@zahav.net.il>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 19:47:56 +0200
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
Ah, it's simple. Yinkom has no dot in the kuf. Yikkom has a
dot in the kuf.
See: yissa, yissa' yishak, yitten, yibbol, yippol yitzok,
yittom yiggof, yiddor, yittosh, etc., etc. The Torah is full
of them
more to the point, see Yehoshua 10:13. My CD-Keter says
yinkom and tinkom do not appear in Tanakh.
Actually both are considered correct but yikkom is more
common and preferred. In Israel. small kids when learning to
speak will often say hu yinsa' or tinten li. I've even heard
"tizaher, ata tinpol!"
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Message: 5
From: Shayna Korb <shayna.k...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 08:24:36 -0800
Subject: [Avodah] Self-imposed exile by rabbonim
Does anyone have any sources on rabbonim putting themselves into exile and
wandering around? I heard that the Gra did this and that it was a custom at
the time, but I am looking for sources inside.
Thank you!
--Shayna Korb
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Message: 6
From: Yitzchok Levine <Larry.Lev...@stevens.edu>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 11:33:48 -0500
Subject: [Avodah] "And Nevertheless ..." The Great Enigma of World
The older I get the more I want to know "What is Yahadus really all
about?" IMO, one can know a lot of halacha, a lot of gemara, etc.,
and still not possess an overview of what Judaism is all about. IMO,
RSRH gives one insights that help one acquire a Torah outlook.
On Shabbos I read Rav Hirsch's essay Adar VI in The Collected
Writings of RSRH. As I read it, I found it time and time again an eye
opener. I have posted this essay at
http://www.stevens.edu/golem/llevine/rsrh/adar_vi.pdf . Below are
some selections from the essay. YL
All this is depicted in that dire prediction of Israel's future. The
Children of Israel are seen in the "enemy country;" they are charged
with the theft of the very ground beneath their feet, of the very air
they breathe. They are "despised;" they have forfeited that which
should have been "their wisdom and their insight in'the eyes of the
nations," the ideals that should have shown to the nations of the
earth how the Name of God shines upon Israel and that should have won
Israel the respect of the world. They preferred to compete with the
cavalries of the nations, with the armed might of the princes, with
the politics and the political sagacity of the sovereign states. They
attempted to vie with the others on a level not permitted them, when
in fact it was their mission to teach the nations by their own
example, in life and history, that such trappings of material power
are secondary, transitory and wanting.
And so the Children of Israel lost the respect of the nations, with
whose physical prowess they were never meant to compete. Because they
regarded the very core of their existence as merely "accidental,"
they were repaid measure for measure in that their existence truly
became "accidental" in the midst of an arrogant mankind, armed with
violence, which could only see that the exiles who accidentally had
been scattered among them lacked the foundation upon which they, the
nations of the world, had built their glory and greatness. There is
among the nations no eye which appreciates that quiet grandeur, that
everlasting might which should shine all the more brightly during the
dark periods of Israel's history; an ideal which-if only the exiles
themselves had perceived it as their one true remaining
treasure-would have placed Israel as a shining light upon the horizon
and would have presented even these remnants to thinking men as the
miracle nation, worthy of their respect.
The nations, aware that Israel does not have what they consider the
trappings of power, do not understand the greatness which Israel does
in fact possess. Therefore Israel finds itself "despised" in enemy
country, without personal and civil rights, scorned as a lowly worm
among earth's creatures. The Biblical prediction portrays the
Children of Israel as "rejected" everywhere, a foreign body,
disruptive, troublesome, an obstacle to the unity of the host nation,
intruders whom the nation, must literally eliminate or disgorge if
it is to regain its balance.
The Jews are the only element that cannot be absorbed by the
state; they are a problem for which political wisdom cannot find a
solution, an entity which no political authority can encompass.
("let it be written that they be destroyed"-Esther 3, 9). The
purblind policy of Haman was to demand a royal decree authorizing him
to exterminate the Jews. Antiochus sought to attain the same
objective with a sword in his right hand and with all the cunning of
seduction in his left, appealing to the senses and befuddling the
mind. That which cannot be exterminated physically by murder could
well be vanquished morally by diabolical, gentle seduction; a policy
that persistently employs both violence and temptation to achieve its
ends may be sure of success. This is indeed the policy which has
poisoned the air breathed by the unfortunate exiles over hundreds and
even thousands of years. Haman's example is followed only from time
to time if someone's patience has worn thin, or if a Haman runs afoul
of a Mordecai and seeks to slake a base thirst for revenge or an even
more sordid avarice under the guise of concern for the welfare of his
country. By and large, the atmosphere in which the history of the
exiles unfolds follows the pattern set by Antiochus. The unfortunates
have been subjected to the pressures and the ridicule of crude force
on the one hand, and the satanic smile of seductive temptation on the
other, in the hope that they will be destroyed physically and morally
at the same time.
And then the Roman-Christian world took a certain book from the hands
of that very despised and rejected nation which had been marked for
destruction, and hailed this book as a promise of the world's
redemption and of their own deliverance from the corruption of
paganism. The adherents of this creed even began to worship a son of
these exiles as their divine savior, and to revere that book and that
son as the foundation of all future civilizations and of the
advancement of salvation on earth. Then they felt they could no
longer dismiss out of hand the suggestion that the origin, the
destiny, the history and the teachings of these scattered exiles had
been attended by a "special Divine element." At that point the urge
to destroy the Jews was given an intellectual rationalization: the
"Divine" element that had been manifest in these exiles had become a
thing of the past; the Jews themselves had cast it aside and
therefore God had scattered them among the nations, "to break My
covenant with them."
At one time, it was claimed, the Jews had indeed been the Chosen
People, whom God had blessed and found worthy of bringing about the
salvation of the world. But now they are the pariahs whom God Himself
has despised and rejected. He Himself has canceled His covenant with
them and marked them for destruction. Therefore those who hate,
oppress and persecute the Jews are performing a sacred task that is
pleasing to God. ("They that rule over them bring them misery in the
name of God"-Isaiah 52, 5). That spirit which might have salvaged the
fate of the Jews had turned the hatred and persecution of Jews into a
religion. thus cutting off even the last hope of the exiles.
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Message: 7
From: T6...@aol.com
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 11:34:44 EST
Subject: Re: [Avodah] kol hamosif, gorea
From: Saul.Z.New...@kp.org
> from revach-----
> The Chasam Sofer says since the Menorah represents the light of Torah
> we learn from here that no outside sciences or wisdom should be used
> to adorn the Torah. The Torah has all its light within it and nothing
> in the outside world can enhance this brilliant light. With this idea
> he explains the gemara Megila (32) "He who holds the Sefer Torah bare
> (without a covering) will be buried bare without mitzvos." This means
> that if a person considers the Torah lacking and he feels it needs the
> beauty of science and other wisdoms to adorn it and make it complete
> will himself die without mitzvos since this is Apikurses.
I could equally well make a drasha about how the knobs and flowers
obviously serve a decorative rather than functional purpose, and therefore
prove that external chachma IS part of Torah, as long as it is attached
to Torah and not sought for its own sake. Of course I would not dare
to take issue with the Chacham Sofer -- were it not for the fact that
many other Torah greats have done so.
Another argument could also be made, viz., that anything that is
demonstrably true -- e.g, the laws of physics that enable planes to fly,
or laws of biology that enable farmers to grow better crops and improve
their livestock -- is intrinsically part of Torah, that everything in
the natural world was created by Hashem and therefore is part of Torah,
"Histakel be'Oraisa ubara alma."
Except for the speculative and apikorsishe parts of science textbooks
(usually the introductory passages, sometimes the odd sentence thrown in
here and there that is really opinion masquerading as science), science
itself is Torah. You could make that case. And then you could write
footnotes to the Chasam Sofer and say, "This means that one should
not study philosophy, literature, or anything else that is a purely
human construct unrelated to Torah, but the study of the natural world
IS Torah." (I personally would still remain a Hirschian not a Soferian,
but the case could be made, I'm just saying.....)
From: "Rich, Joel" _JRich@sibson.com_ (mailto:JR...@sibson.com)
> and R' Aron Soloveitchik taught that the menorah represents all wisdoms
> with the central branch representing torah towards which all curve
> towards.
Hirsch says exactly the same thing, and he in turn bases it on still
earlier sources.
--Toby Katz
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Message: 8
From: Zev Sero <z...@sero.name>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 15:31:08 -0500
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
kennethgmil...@juno.com wrote:
> R' Zev Sero wrote:
>> But, e.g., a go'el hadam has an obligation to avenge the victim
> I was under the impression that a go'el hadam has *permission* to avenge
> the victim. Or perhaps that he does not even have permission, but that he
> will not be liable to Beis Din for his act - but might still be liable to
> Shamayim for it.
> Am I mistaken? Where do you get the idea that the go'el hadam HAS TO
> avenge the victim?
Rotzeach Ushmirat Nefesh 1:2
Dov Kaiser wrote:
>> We say Hashem yiqom>>
> At first, I thought it was just a typo, but I have noticed that both RMB
> and RZS have been writing *yikom*. I believe it should be *yinkom*.
Nope. "Harninu goyim amo, ki dam avadav yikkom." The nun is replaced
by a dagesh on the kuf. "Yinkom" is a common mistake, reinforced by an
old misprint in many siddurim in the text of Av Harachamim. (There is
another common misprint too: in "minsharim kalu *u*mei'arayos gaveiru",
the vav is a mistake and shouldn't be there.)
Zev Sero The trouble with socialism is that you
z...@sero.name eventually run out of other people?s money
- Margaret Thatcher
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Message: 9
From: Zev Sero <z...@sero.name>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:16:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Self-imposed exile by rabbonim
Shayna Korb wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone have any sources on rabbonim putting themselves into exile
> and wandering around? I heard that the Gra did this and that it was a
> custom at the time, but I am looking for sources inside.
"Pravn golus" was a common practise. See, e.g., the (misleadingly-titled)
"Lubavitcher Rebbe's Memoirs".
Zev Sero The trouble with socialism is that you
z...@sero.name eventually run out of other people?s money
- Margaret Thatcher
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Message: 10
From: rabbirichwol...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 21:35:20 +0000
Subject: Re: [Avodah] kol hamosif, gorea
> Of course I would not dare to take issue with the Chacham Sofer --
> were it not for the fact that many other Torah greats have done so.
You don't have to be a "Gaon" to see that the Chasam Sofer was combatting
Reform during a very specific crisis. And so we have no evidence that in
a different time or society that the Chasam Sofer would himself been so
headstrong about this. [OK conversely maybe we have no evidence he might
have been less headstrong]. The point is that under specific conditions
the CS darshened this way and we cannot be certain that he meant this
as a universal principle or not.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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Message: 11
From: Yitzchok Levine <Larry.Lev...@stevens.edu>
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 17:12:26 -0500
Subject: [Avodah] Zachor
The following if from RSRH's essay Adar II that is in the second
volume of his Collected Writings. YL
The Jews were destined to be the eternal people of history, to
wander the earth as the "eternal Jew;" to stand at the cradle and
grave of all nations; to undergo the evolutions and revolutions of
history; to suffer in the catastrophes of nations. From the shipwreck
of the past we were assigned the task of successfully salvaging the
eternal spiritual heritage of all of mankind. From the onset of
history we were given stern notice: do not be dazzled by material
might, no matter how brilliantly and meteorically it beckons on the
historical firmament of nations. Do not tremble when sword-carrying
nations subdue and brutalize the defenseless. Always be aware that
the days of any power are numbered which fails to accept the
certainty of the ultimate victory of man's spiritual and moral destiny.
Let Amalek swing the Esau-sword with a mighty fist. Whenever Israel
failed to keep its spiritual power alive it lost its protection of
heavenly proximity. Amalek, without fear of God,; massacred the
nation: v'lo yera Elokim. But then the raised hand of Moses prove.d
mightier than the Esau-sword and the Amalek-fist. As long as this
prayerful hand remains raised, Amalek will be defeated. On G~d's
throne lies the scepter of world-power. God fights the battle against
the materialistic might .Midor dor through all generations and all
time. World history is the sum total of God's battle against the
Amalek materialism. God's leadership assures the ultimate victory of
spirit over matter.
Tiny, defenseless Jacob-nation, calmly build your altars. You may be
diminutive but are the herald of God's battle. Inscribe "God" upon
your banners and history will celebrate you as the victor over
Amalek. Divine guidance will help you to eradicate the last trace of
Amalek-glory from the memory of mankind. The struggle is led by God:
You will prevail in the battle against the external Amalek-threat
only !if you are the victor in the struggle within yourself, with the
materialism within you. The successful outcome of this struggle is
taharah - purification: its victory-trophy is purity.
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Message: 12
From: "Elazar M. Teitz" <r...@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 00:37:28 GMT
Subject: Re: [Avodah] Revenge and Punishment
<<We say Hashem yiqom>>
<At first, I thought it was just a typo, but I have noticed that both RMB and RZS have been writing *yikom*. I believe it should be *yinkom*.>
"Harninu goyim amo, ki dam avadav yikom." "Lo sikom."
In verbs whose pei-hapo'al is a nun, it is generally dropped in asid: yishoch, yitol, yigos, yiga, yisa, yipol, etc.
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