Book Announcement: Every Day, Holy Day

Cover Picture Now available. Alan’s newest book!
(assisted by Rabbi Micha Berger)

“You shall be holy,” teaches the Torah, and the masters of Mussar have always taken that command very seriously. Mussar is a system of introspective practices that help you identify and break through the obstacles to your inherent holiness, using methods that integrate easily into daily life.

Every Day, Holy Day is a year long program of Mussar practice that focuses on a system of traits (middot)–such as strength, generosity, watchfulness, loving-kindness, and awe–each of which is worked with for a week at a time in order to develop and refine the quality in yourself. It’s remarkably simple and effective.

Click the book image to order your copy of Every Day, Holy Day, or to send someone a gift that will change their life.

Every Day, Holy Day

The myriad events and interactions that make up our everyday life provide a rich opportunity for us to examine our impulses and actions and grow spiritually, according to the Jewish practice of Mussar. Mussar is an eminently wise, practical, and effective way to cultivate awareness, gratitude, personal growth, and ethical action on a daily basis. The path has its origins in Orthodox Judaism but it has become popular with Jews of all affiliations who are interested in a practice that can infuse daily life with more purpose and meaning.

This daybook will be an essential companion to anyone who wants to experience this life-changing contemplative practice. Using a “soul trait” such as honesty, courage, enthusiasm, honor, and equanimity as a starting point, each practice page includes:

  • a teaching that illuminates the trait of the day
  • an affirmation phrase focused on that trait
  • a practical exercise to expand our experience of the trait
  • a space for journaling about experiences with the trait
Brought to you by The Mussar Institute
Where to buy one:
  1. Physical shopping in Barnes and Nobles, Borders, etc… Not sefarim stores, yet.
  2. Amazon: The book image and links along side it (above) are to Amazon’s page, which is at a sale price. (It will also allow AishDas to make a commission on the sale.) Amazon also has a preview of the book, available by clicking on the book image on that page.
  3. Trumpeter Press: The publisher also has a listing (at full price, and no AishDas commission), which has a very pretty and realistic preview feature.
  4. Google Books has a preview. (Also available through‘s page, which also is offering the book without a discount nor commission. But if that’s where you have credit, you can order it there — as well as most general book stores. I do not know about circulation to sefarim stores.)

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No Responses

  1. Shmuel says:

    Any links to where we can look at/buy it?

  2. Gadi says:

    The book looks very interesting. do you consider an Hebrew translation, or distributing it directly in Israel.?

  3. Neil says:

    Was #3 directed towards me? lol
    I’m posting about the release of the book in a day or two.
    I ended up ordering it this morning via AishDas!

  4. YGB says:

    Please join us to discuss how we can convince the Agudath Israel of America to bring The Jewish Observer back into print. Even if you don’t have any ideas to share, your joining the group is tantamount to signing a petition to see the JO brought back to life!

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