Mussar Kallah VII is less than three weeks away.
Registration is now much more convenient.
Click here to open the online registration page.
PHOENIX, AZ — SUNDAY OCTOBER 25 (9 am to 5:30 pm)
The Mussar Kallah is your unique opportunity to drink deeply from a stream of authentic Jewish spiritual wisdom. Learn from seasoned teachers who are ordinarily inaccessible and yet who are bearers of one of the finest traditions of spirituality in the Jewish world.
Breaking News! Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein added to the program!
- Director of Interfaith Affairs for the Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Sydney M. Irmas Adjunct Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics at Loyola Law School
- Teacher at Yeshiva University High Schools in Los Angeles
- Contributing editor to the quarterly Jewish Action,
- WIdely published in Jewish and general printed and electronic media.
Rabbi Adlerstein received his ordination from the Chofetz Chaim yeshiva in New York. He is a summa cum laude graduate of Queens College, and a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
Breaking News! Alan Morinis in conversation with Rabbi Avi Fertig
“Jewish Spirituality in Uncertain Times”
Rabbi Avi Fertig, author of “Bridging the Gap” & Dr. Alan Morinis, author of “Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” and “Everyday Holiness” — in conversation
Saturday, October 24, 2009 @ 7:30 pm
No charge
Co-sponsored by the Phoenix Jewish Book Month
See the full Kallah program
Never Studied Mussar?
The Kallah will introduce you to Mussar. Every speaker will focus on issues that affect ordinary people in everyday life, because that is what Mussar does. Session leaders will create bridges to give you access to these time-tested gifts and to show you how to apply them in your own life.
Sessions on key soul-traits (middot) will teach you about your own inner life, and will guide you to move closer to the goal of wholeness (shlemut):
- Humility / Anavah
- Trust / Bitahon
- Gratitude / Hakarat Hatov
- Anger / Ka’as
- Envy / Kinah
- Laziness / Atzlut
Give your soul the gift of experiencing this opportunity. Register now.
Learn more about Mussar
What’s In It For More Seasoned Students
Expand and grow your knowledge of Mussar. Enjoy sessions with Mussar luminaries focusing on:
- “Mussar in Health Care” with Drs. Bev Spring, Cheri Forrester and Pauline Pariser
- “Mussar in School” with Rebbetzin Rivy Kletenik
- “Mussar in ___________” with Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- “Mussar Social Action in Historical Perspective” with Alan Morinis
- “Tikkun Olam and Tikkun HaMiddot” with Rabbi Avi Fertig
Reserve your space now. Register now. |
The Closing Plenary
“Living Spiritually in Uncertain Times”
A panel discussion.
- Rabbi Avi Fertig
- Rebbetzin Rivy Kletenick
- Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
- Dr. Alan Morinis
Click here for full Kallah program |
Honor Alan Morinis for his pioneering work in reviving Mussar
Add your personal expression of thanks in the Journal that will be distributed to every participant at the Kallah.
Whether or not you will be with us in Phoenix, honor Alan and send greetings to the community by placing an ad in the Journal. To receive a form, send your ad copy and for more information, email jeffron@ix.netcom.com |
If you are coming from out of town or you already are a student of Mussar, you are welcome to join us for Shabbat (October 23-24), which will be a rich time of learning, prayer, song and community-building. For more information on the Shabbaton (for which a separate fee applies) click here. |
Venue Information
Sunday October 25, 2009
9:00am – 5:30pm (welcome desk opens 8:15 am)
Valley of the Sun JCC
12701 North Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Directions and Map
Four Ways To Register
- ONLINE — simple and fast
- Download a registation form for the Kallah and/or Shabbaton – click here
- Call 480.483.7121 and ask for the “Welcome Desk”
- At the door
$90 USD pre-registration ($80 for VoS JCC members)
$100 USD at the door ($90 for VoS JCC members)
Registration and check-in 8:30 – 9:00am
Register Now – Download a registration form
Home hospitality available or special rate at Fairfield Inn hotel of $65 per night. Email info@mussarinstitute.org for details. |
We look forward to exploring, learning and growing together with you in Phoenix.
Your friends at The Mussar Institute and Valley of the Sun JCC.
Email: info@mussarinstitute.org
web: http://www.mussarinstitute.org/ |
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